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Celebrating my First Professional Art Competition Win


I'm beyond excited to announce that I won in the Emerging Youth Section of the John Villiers Outback Art Prize! It's a huge honor for me, especially since this was my first professional competition.

As a proud descendant of Gubbi Gubbi and Torres Strait Islander heritage, art has always been a part of my family's history. I grew up surrounded by paintings, crabbers, and fishermen, and my connection with spirit and ancestors has only grown stronger over the years.

For me, art is all about healing, creative expression, and connection. My work incorporates Australian native flora and fauna, as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander symbolisms, design techniques, and patterns. I love to tell stories through my art and engage viewers to look deeper into the work.

My winning piece, "Following Kangaroo Tracks," was a polymer clay slab framed with a paperbark background. The judges appreciated my use of medium and the sculpted and painted details within the slab artwork. They also recognized my storytelling ability, which is something I'm incredibly proud of.

Winning this competition means the world to me, and I couldn't have done it without the love and support of my Wattle Tribe. We're like a little community, and I'm honored to call them my own. Through my brand, Wattle Woman, I share my journey and my art with my followers online. We believe in the importance of non-judgmental inclusivity of all people, black, white, or brindle.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to have my work showcased at the Outback Regional Gallery in Winton's Waltzing Matilda Centre. And, I would love to encourage everyone to vote for my artwork for the People's Choice Award! You can follow the link https://matildacentre.interactivink.com.au/vote and cast your vote. Remember, voting closes on Thursday, May 4th at 5 pm, so be sure to cast your vote before then!

This winning artwork is also for sale, for any enquiries regarding purchasing this Slab, please contact Waltzing Matilda Centre directly on 07 4657 2626 or Email: waltzing@matildacentre.com.

I'm proud of this achievement, and I can't wait to see where this journey takes me. Thank you for being a part of my Wattle Tribe, and I look forward to sharing more of my journey with you all!

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